
Cloud Proof of Concept(POC)

Eliminate Any Guess Work And Minimize Your Business Risks

The Proof of Concept (POC) approach helps you to accelerate the Cloud adaption journey by applying the proven methodologies and minimizing any unforeseen risks. Customers usually have many legitimate questions related to technology, cost, agility, scalability, and high availability, etc. This sometimes leads to a delay in commencing for their Digital Transformation.

We build Proof of Concepts (POC) to present our customers with the best resolutions, solution architecture, and business outcomes to help them make the right decisions & cloud strategies without taking any risks.

safest approach to your cloud adaption

How POCs Can Benefit Your Business ?

We work with you as a Cloud enabler for your organization. Choose any Cloud initiative that you are planning i.e Migration, Infrastructure Automation,  or any other Cloud-Native solution development, We will work with you to plan & build a prototype pilot project for you to experience the solution and its real benefits. Make the right decisions before starting any Cloud project.

Test Your Ideas

Cloud allows you to test all your ideas before you can apply them to production. Our Cloud POC model works with you to implement your idea and experience the results.

Explore Possibilities

POC provides you the exact details of all the technical possibilities that the proposed digital solution has to offer. It empowers you to convert all your assumptions into concrete facts.

Safely Rollback

It gives you the full liberty to roll back if you are unconvinced with the desired outcome.during the process you may want to roll back and take a different path to innovation.

Take The Safest Approach To Your Cloud Adaption

Create The Test Bed To Evaluate Your Cloud Initiatives

Avoid a big-bang approach for your cloud transformation projects with numerous assumptions in mind. With a POC model, get a full clarity on all the technical, financial, business facts, and dependencies to help you make the right decisions.

Start Small

POCs are done on a smaller scale with few selected workloads so it’s cheaper and faster.

Quick Wins

We provide you with quick successful results so that you can analyze them and move forward with confidence.

poc strategy
Innovate Fast

POCs are built in a separate isolation environment without impacting anything on the Production.

Scale up

POC can be extended to integrate with more workloads and can be transformed into a fully functional production workload.

cloud poc example

Choose The Perfect Solution For Your Business

AWS Proof of Concept (POC) program provides you the freedom to choose just the right solution for your Business. By a well-developed proof of concept, you can eliminate the guesswork which sometimes could fall apart during the implementation phase and hence risky.

With the help of our Proof of Concept (POC) program, pilot projects are executed in isolation and on a small scale to showcase the maximum benefits that you will be getting after the actual Cloud Migration.AWS PoC program strengthens you to choose the perfect cloud-solution and make confident business decisions.

build poc

Test Drive Your Cloud Strategy

Avoid The Costly Mistakes

In order to establish a strong cloud foundation for your organization, you need to define a clear cloud-adaption strategy well in advance.POC provides you the freedom of choosing the right combination of technology, services, platforms, & infrastructure. It helps you to reduce complexity and scale effortlessly.

Get Introduced with Cloud Platforms & Its Benefits

The Proof of Concept (POC) program introduces you to the Cloud platform and lets you see how workloads will be running in the AWS Cloud. You can test any capability and functionality during the POC development and ensure the desired outcome.

Whether you are planning the cloud-migration, managed-cloud, or cloud-native solution, POC development allows you to explore different AWS services, integration, testing, and deployment without any associated risks. Proof of Concept(POC) program empowers you to define your Cloud solution and help you to embark on a successful Cloud journey.

aws poc
plan your proof of concept

Plan Your Risk Free Cloud Adaption

AWS wants to assist your business in scale-up and grow at low cost and no risk.AWS Proof of Concept (POC) program enables you to test your ideas, assumption, and costs to verify the functionality of deploying your application to the Cloud and evaluate it before you commit.

A well-planned POC approach helps your organization to reduce any technical and business risks associated with Cloud migration. Therefore Proof of Concept(POC) program is a risk-free opportunity to experience how Cloud technology can benefit your business.

Effectively manage your IT cost. Start your cloud projects with a proof of concept and avoid any overspending.

Cloud Cost Optimization Strategy

Control Your IT Budget

Master the Art of Digital Transformation

Test & Evaluate Cloud Solutions - Only Tailored For Your Business

Proof-of-Concept is an important aspect to consider to determine how the new solution will fit into your business needs. There could be numerous ways of developing a modern digital solution and POCs can guide you into the right direction from a business,technical and financial stand point.

Cloud Migration

Migration POC can help you explore how Cloud can reduce your TCO

Automation POCs

Build Infrastructure as a code automation to explore how to improve business agility

Advance Analytics

With Analytics POCs , explore how you can you create real-time visualizations based on ML/AI


Quickly build and test POCs for the cloud based solutions and choose the right architecture that works for your business
Cloud POC Prototypes
"Organizations are ready with comprehensive digital transformation road-maps for the post-pandemic time”
- IDC Report

Your Digital Tranformation Partner

eCloudChain Can Get You Started

Whether you are planning for Cloud Migration, Infrastructure Automation, Native Cloud Solutions or Advance Analytics based on ML/AI or IoT, we can help you build rapid prototypes using the latest technology stack including AWS, Azure, GCP, and more.

We have deep experience in the areas of modern cloud technologies. We are passionate to solve problems through technical innovations and are committed to value-based and timely delivery for our customers as their cloud enabler partners.

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eCloudChain POC Solutions

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